I've always found it difficult to describe myself, but perhaps what defines me most is an almost compulsive need to think deeply about whatever captures my attention. This tendency has led me down various paths - structural engineering, ocean sailing, watercolor painting, and now writing - though I never set out to master multiple fields. It just happened that way, one pursuit leading to another.

Each taught me something about my own way of thinking and seeing the world. In engineering, I learned that understanding the underlying issues often leads to simpler, more elegant solutions. When I paint, I've found - sometimes the hard way - that I need to respect the will of my partners: the water, the paper, and the pigments. These lessons took years to learn, and I'm still learning with every new painting.

I’m still very much learning about writing. I have this desire for a high level of quality that is quite illusive. As I work on my trilogy, The Molnars, I find myself applying this same patient and accepting attitude to storytelling, letting my characters and situations reveal themselves rather than forcing them into predetermined paths.

I'm most comfortable being with myself, whether designing structures, navigating by sailboat across the seas or spending hours crafting narratives. This preference for solitary work has its costs - I know I'm not always easy to be around when I'm deep in thought. However, I've come to accept this about myself. I continue to learn, to observe, to think things through, not for any recognition, but because this is simply how I engage with the world. It's not always the easiest path, but it's mine

I’m married to a marvelous woman, the father of two outstanding children and the grandfather of four fantastic grandchildren. I’m currently in my third year as an American ex-pat living in the wonderful community of Valencia, Spain and I'm hoping to live here for many more years.

Who is this guy,
Dennis Armin Roth?